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Forty years spent creating fine jewellery and silverware in King's Lynn has been a marriage of not only silver, but gold and platinum, precious stones and antiques. After training at Cambridge Art School and subsequently obtaining a degree at the Central Art School in London, Tim started trading as Tim Clayton Jewellery from the Old Granary during 1975 where he soon built a reputation for design and creativity.


As the business rapidly grew he moved to Saturday market Place in 1979 where, appreciating the demand for antiques and fine art incorporated Silverton antiques run under the guiding hand of his wife Sue. In 1987 the firm moved to 23 Chapel Street where the variety of jewellery made upon the premises expanded as did the range of carefully selected second hand pieces on display. During 1995 Tim was made a freeman of the Goldsmiths Company, London.


The antique furniture, ceramic and art side of the business continued to burgeon, so it was fortuitous that the property next door at No. 21 became available in 1996 and it was incorporated in the existing shop. This has provided sufficient space to expand for the next quarter century.

© 2015 by Tim Clayton Jewellery Ltd

Tel 01553 772329

21-23 Chapel Street, Kings Lynn, Norfolk PE30 1EG

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